Friday, September 12, 2008

Isaiah 44


Mac an Rothaich said...

I thought the simply put explination about the foolishness of idolatry was very refreshing in its to-the-point fashion. (A deluded heart has led him astray, and he cabbot deliver himself r say, 'Is there not a lie in my right hand?')

Berry Girl said...

I agree - very to-the-point. kind of a "hey you idiots, do you realise that you're worshipping something that you use to cook your food - duh"
I loved it.

Unknown said...

I love this chapter. It is SO rich with the sovreignty, grace and mercy of God. "I chose you" is a thrice repeated theme, not to mention all the rich promises of help and redemption. Beside the element of having been chosen though there is also the "come back" plea in verse 22. "Come back to me because I have saved you." Wow. Sovreignty allowing for the will of man, to come or rebel. Mind boggling stuff.

A few other favorite selections;

"I will pour out my Spirit into your children and my blessing on your descendants. Your children will grow like a tree in the grass, like poplar trees growing beside streams of water. One will say; "I belong to the Lord." ..Another will sign his name "I am the Lord's"...." verses 3b-5

"I have swept away your sins like a big cloud; I have removed your sins like a cloud that disappears into the air." verse 22

"Skies, sing for joy.... Earth, shout for joy... Sing, you mountains, with thanks to God. Sing too, you trees inteh forest! The Lord saved teh people of Jacob!"

Talk about goosebumps. I always feel like nature is declaring the glory of God. I love the nature/worship metaphors in scripture.

I also love how God used Cyrus, a pagan ruler, to bring about His purposes.