Friday, October 17, 2008

Isaiah 49


Unknown said...

God Calls His Special Servant
v1 "Before I was born, the Lord called me to serve Him. The Lord named me while I was still in my mother's body." v5 The Lord made me in the body of my mother to be His servant. v6 You are an important servant to me... v7 He is the Holy One of Israel who has chosen you.

I love the tenderness and sovreignty of this. Our lives are ordained. We are loved. We are redeemed for a purpose.

v2 "He made my tongue like a sharp sword.... He made me like a sharp arrow He hid me in the holder for his arrows."

B-Girl, if you're reading this, it made me think about what we were talking about Mark Driscoll last night. What is offense anyway? I read a book called "The Bait of Satan" by John Bevere that showed that offense is not something that is "given", but something "taken". The truth (the Word) is associated with a sword. and the messenger of it in this case, is also associated with a sword and an arrow. Truth cuts through the fat and tumors we have clinging to us and shows what healthy flesh really looks like. That's shocking. That grabs your attention. That causes you to most likely shrink back for a moment. That can be offensive, but only if we choose to take offense. For someone who is really hungry to cut to the chase and cut through the crap, they will most likely appreciate and be spurred on by the work of the sword. Let me know what you think if you read this, these are just my ponderings from this morning.

The Day Of Salvation
v13 "Heavens and earth, be happy. Mountains, shout with joy, because the Lord comforts his people and will have pity on those who suffer."

Oh how I love this. Love, love, love it. Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Jerusalem And Her Children.
v15-16 "Even if (a mother) could forget her children, I will not forget you. See, I have written your name on my hand... Jerusalem, I always think about your walls."

Truly, the voice of the Father is so tender and loving, and pleading, it brings tears to my eyes. How can we desensitize ourselves to this kind of love?

v23 Anyone who trusts in me will not be disappointed.

This chapter was just so, so wonderful, from the first verse to the last. I'm pumped for the day.

Leanne said...

Beautiful chapter. It amazes me that God can love us that much. We must disappoint Him so when we do not give Him the love He deserves. He is so faithful to us! He knew us before we were born and He calls us by our name!

"I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save." v25 b (I love this verse)

Thank you Lord for knowing me and loving me. You know my strengths, my weaknesses, my desires. You know more about me than I even know myself. Please reveal to me areas in my life that need to be changed so that I can be more like you. Help me to realize how very much you love me and each one of your creations.

Berry Girl said...

definitely - I agree. God's word is supposed to be offensive to those who hear and do not love Him. I said that once to someone and they questioned me that then how would anyone be saved - but I think the point of God "calling" us is where that would come in. His word should make us uncomfortable in our sin, and those of us who desire to change that will be challenged by it while those who are not interested in change will be "offended". If that makes sense - I'm still a litte bleary eyed this morning and playing catch-up on my readings (I know, it's not about catch-up...but I know I missed a few good chapters and those I want to go back and read)

I loved v15 - "Can a nursing woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands..."
I think I needed to have read that about 7months ago :) Although it may not have sunk in - but wow did I need to hear that.

Unknown said...

good stuff. Just read the chapter called "A Gospel of Offense" from "The Jesus I Never Knew" by Yancey during after lunch quiet time. This book is rockin' my world.. I am just soaking it in. Life changing stuff. Have you read it??

Berry Girl said...

I haven't, but I've read his book "Where is God When It Hurts" - also fairly life-changing. I'd like to go back to it again.