Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Samuel 6


Unknown said...

Fantastic. I had never made this connection before but oh did the girls and I laugh at this this morning. The philistines took two heifers who had NEVER been yoked, WEANED their calves that very day and set them facing the road to Israel yoked together with a cart and their penned up calves BEHIND them. Seriously. Do you know what it looks like yoking two fresh animals together and trying to get them to pull as a team? Do you know what it looks like when a heifer has just been separated from her calf? Chaos on two parts. The Girl said, "they would have been standing bawling outside the pen where their calves were!" well, yeah. But no. Off these two trucked in the opposite direction, never looking to the right or the left. Remarkable. I love my God, He rocks.

Berry Girl said...

yes, but a BIT harsh slaughtering 50,070 men because some of them had looked into the Ark of the Lord. wow. "who is able to stand before this holy Lord God?" Indeed.

Unknown said...

yeah... that's what makes grace all the more unfathomable. This same God says "come, run, right into the throne room, right into my lap." If that doesn't make a person cry, I don't know what would...