Friday, December 12, 2008

Isaiah 57


Unknown said...

"Those who do right are being taken away from evil and are given peace. Those who live as God wants find rest in death." v2 *sigh*

Berry Girl said...

"But the wicked are like the troubled sea,
When it cannot rest,
Whose waters cast up mire and dirt
'There is no peace,' says me God, 'for the wicked' " v20-21

I love Isaiah's imagery.

I'm glad that God still promises, in spite of the horrible condition of His people's hearts, to heal and lead, and not always be angry
"I create the fruit of the lips: Peace, peace to him who is far off and to him who is near" v19

Berry Girl said...

"my God", obviously (sheesh)

Unknown said...

>>Peace, peace to him who is far off and to him who is near<<

That's spectacular.