Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1 Samuel 13


Unknown said...

Saul must have been just shaking in his boots waiting for Samuel!

"Then I thought, 'The Philistines will come against me at Gilgal, and I haven't asked for the Lord's approval.' So I forced myself to offer the whole burn offering." v12

poor Saul. This is where it all begins to go wrong. When he steps into a role too big for his britches and forgets to trust, to rest, to rely fully on God. Like it was the sacrifice that was going to get God's approval and support. It was an unwavering faith and resolve that God is in control and "bigger than the bogeyman" here and Saul flunked. So heart rending. If only he would have repented as David did, and softened rather than hardened from here on out.

Berry Girl said...

hmmmm. I was wondering WHY it was so bad that Saul offered a sacrifice - I mean, that's an act of worship and submission to God.
My Bible says he felt "compelled", but if that means "forced himself" then it takes on a different meaning. Then he wasn't doing it out of reverence but more out of desperation...

Unknown said...

well, the way I see it not just *anyone* could make a sacrifice anytime and any place they wanted. There were strict rules to how and who could make an acceptable offering to God. Saul basically threw off the mantle of authority that covered him by his spiritual "head" (Samuel the priest) and walked arrogantly on "holy ground". So his attitude was a nonchalant "I'm king, therefore I am above spiritual rules". At least that's the way I interpret it. Also, the stupidity to not understand that a humble and trusting heart that is obedient is what matters to God, not "making sacrifices" and doing the right actions with wrong motives.