Friday, January 2, 2009

Isaiah 60


Berry Girl said...

wow. God's wrath is mighty. But just as mighty is His favour.

Unknown said...

Mercy me. My comment just disappeard into a black abyss... argh! I knew it was deep but didn't think it was black hole deep. I'll keep it light this time.

"Darkness now covers the earth; deep darkness covers her people. But the Lord shines on you and people see His glory around you." v 2

"People in far away lands are waiting for me." v9

"I am the Lord and when it is time I will make these things (the establishment of the physical oft referred to as millenial kingdom) happen quickly."

These verses all gave me goosebumps.

I was also struck by;

"All the sheep from kedar will be given to you, the sheep from Nebaioth will be brought to you. They will be pleasing sacrfices on my altar, and I will make my temple more beautiful." v7

and; "There will be no more violence in your country; it will not be ruined or destroyed." v18

in the same context we see animal sacrifice as a "pleasing thing on the altar of the Lord" (I believe because it points to and represents the once for all perfect sacrfice of His son Jesus) being lifted up, and on the other hand, the same hand, the affirmation that there will be no violence, ruin, or destruction in the kingdom.

So (here's the deep part I'll keep it brief). I am led to believe that contrary to what some people are led to believe (that there will be no animal death in the kingdom thus confirming and solidifying their choice to not kill animals for food in the present) it appears possible that God somehow holds animal death separate from his concept of violence, ruin and destruction.

This is one of those things that Prairie Guy would close his eyes and shake his head over with his token... "Who cares??!!" Well... really I don't... my brain's just wired to ask questions and make connections... sometimes connections that give me a rip roaring boost before shorting out and leaving me smoking... heh heh.