Saturday, January 24, 2009

Luke 19


Unknown said...

What tree am I ready to climb to "see Jesus"? Am I willing to look silly in front of other people in my desire to get a glimpse of Him?

The Three Servants
How am I investing the things the Lord has entrusted to me? Am I sitting on them letting them collect dust?

The Triumphant Entry, Not So Triumphant.
Verse 41 kind of ties in with the last passage in Isaiah about the spiritual bereftness of Israel; "As Jesus came near Jerusalem, he saw the city and cried for it, saying, "I wishyou knew today what would bring you peace. But now it is hidden from you. The time is coming when your enemies will build a wall around you and will hold you in on all sides. They will destroy you and all your people, and not one stone will be left on another (referring to the temple that was alluded to in the Isaiah passage). All this will happen because you did not recognize the time when God came to save you."

Again, gut wrenching. Awake Oh Israel.

Berry Girl said...

so so gut wrenching.
Jerusalem as a physical city has not known peace ever. The Israelite Palestinians have also not known peace.
If only they had realized. I wonder what things would have been like there today?