Tuesday, April 21, 2009

1 Samuel 27


Unknown said...

I guess what stood out to me was how David lived in fear of Saul. It was like he grew up in the "revenge" department but not in the "trust" department. Not to justify Saul's continued psychotic behavior but isn't it possible that he continued to distrust David and get all weirded out partly because David was so flighty? I don't know... don't need to know, just don't like living in fear. Like giving up those burdens and resting in God's sovereign protection.

Berry Girl said...

I agree - here, Saul has already agreed to leave David alone (although I think he's said that before too...) but David STILL fears for his life and runs away. Interesting that he is living with the Philistines (right?) and totally deceiving them the whole time...