Thursday, July 23, 2009

Psalm 47


Unknown said...

"the leaders of the earth belong to God. He is supreme." v9

Amazing. Hard to believe sometimes, that all these men are in the employ of the sovreign Lord, but they clearly are.

Leanne said...

v 6 "Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises to our King, sing praises."

I guess I need to start singing some praises today...a good worship song really does create a better mood and atmosphere in my heart & the world around me...He is so worthy, I would love to just SHOUT with my voice praise to Him...but I am sure He can hear my heart & it is definitely doing some shouting. :-) When I look at your creation Lord, the work of Your hands my heart just wells up with praise & adoration, You are so Holy, You are so Awesome, You are so Worthy & You are in Control!!