Wednesday, August 19, 2009

2 Chronicles 17


Unknown said...

"He wanted very much to obey the Lord." v6

I love this. It is heartwarming.

The way he sent the teachers and priests around with the The Word to teach the people from it, something we are sadly lacking in this day and age. Teachings have been so "programmed" and watered down that there is just cultural fluff and no doctrinal substance to them anymore. They may serve to some extent to help develop a biblical worldview but they don't teach about God, His character and His doctrines that are the foundation of this world view. So flimsy walls are being raised over no foundation and as children grow and leave the home the winds of change knock these walls down and they are left feeling exposed, vulnerable and full of doubt and insecurity when it comes to their faith.

Unknown said...

not to mention that when discipleship falls through the cracks, you see a generation that doesn't even know with clarity what they believe or why, or how to disciple the next generation. So our number one mandate as Christ followers is abandoned. We are not making disciples because we have never been discipled and we don't know what discipleship looks like and we don't have the discipline and experience to even know where to start. This is my passion, to see discipleship understood and practiced by every believer within the body so that we can be strengthened in the faith and can be mature and honed WITHIN the body, and consequently be effective OUTSIDE of the body. We can't really have the second without the foundation of the first.

Keystone said...

I am amazed that so many stop at Prologues and speak comments, yet skip the prayer room at your house.
Folks get lost in your hallways, or just don't wanna read the Bible.

I am also confused on what chapter we view ths day, 17 or 18, as there is reference to both.

I am new here; is this an initiation trick to make me read widely? :)

Where are we?

Unknown said...

sorry, my typo. We are on chapter 17 today. Most people who read at Prologue are reading the bible and share readily, I set this up more as an "accountability" reading plan for people who needed a schedule and a sense of fellowship. There are a number of people in my real life that read it daily and we will sometimes discuss stuff in real life, but they don't comment, either because they are on dial up or just don't do the whole social exchange of thoughts via internet" thing. Even I, although I ponder this stuff at length am usually quite summative and condensed here as time for sitting at the computer and typing back and forth is limited and I usually end up spending more time here than I probably should...

Keystone said...


I read comments widely, for insight to a blog. This threw me a bit, for comments are all over elsewhere, but not on the Bible study. You make sense in your explanation. Thanks.

I will not tie up your time, but will advise you that in all the OT, one of the greatest of all Spiritual Battles stories is 2 Chronicles 20, coming up soon.

To understand that, Jehosaphat has to be known. He is explored in Chapter 17 and brings God into the mix massively in Chapter 20.

Unknown said...

Don't get me wrong, (I fear you did, when you said "I won't tie up your time") I crave fellowship and am excited to have your presence and fellowship here! Berry Girl is a regular commenter (this element of my blog kind of started as an accountablity endeavor between the two of us and has been a great thing) but she has been away on family holiday for the past week or so. I said what I said only to lament the fact that while I used to have time and boiling over passion to sit and write stuff for hours on end, I still have the passion, but not the time anymore. Time to read, think, process, pray... but to actually sit and type... well, at this stage in my life not so much, I'd be neglecting my kids and present calling, to speak into their lives and invest my time in them. But I LOVE reading what you have to share and there will be times when you will see how verbose and contemplative I am when I have the time and opportunity to open the floodgates =)