Friday, January 29, 2010

Jeremiah 51


Unknown said...

This is a very full chapter. I will keep coming back to it throughout the day. For now I have gone back to re-look at it from the beginning and stopped right here;

"The Lord God All Powerful did not leave Israel and Judah, even though they were completely guilty in the presence of the Holy One..." v5

Surely Mercy and Goodness will follow me, all the days, all the days of my life. Surely Goodness and Mercy....

Mac an Rothaich said...

Verse 2 made so much more sence to me once I looked up the term 'winnower'. It is when they throw the wheat in the air and let the wind blow away the impurities. I then saw God explaining he wouldn't just destroy the country with his people in it. His own, the wheat, would he keep and the impurity would be blown away.