Tuesday, September 28, 2010

2 Kings 20


Unknown said...

This chapter always reminds me to be careful what I ask for. If God knows that a certain time would be best to take me to Him, do I really want to mess with that by pleading for MY way and reap the repurcussions? Makes me think that we put so much emphasis on "life" but we don't really understand what true life is. Eternal life, in His presence. I have been pondering this life and death thing recently, may need to blog about it...

Chris said...

I'm right beside you, Pchick... having the same thoughts on this one. Also, the pride of possesions is a warning to me... his desire to show off his grandeur was one of his downfalls, not to mention his lack of compassion on the future generations that would reap what he sowed.