Friday, April 15, 2011

Daniel 4


Shailey said...

It is amazing how God works!He can humble people so easily,well he is God.Nebuchadnezzar was so proud that God humbled him.I find this chapter very interesting.

Unknown said...

I love this chapter! Nebuchednezzar learned a HARD lesson, but he was so moved by it that he wrote to all the dignitaries and diplomats of the ENTIRE world to share his testimony. He did not hide his past mistakes, He used them for God's glory.

Elisa said...

King Nebuchadnezzar was proud of his kingdom and riches. He treated th poor badly and God was not happy with that so he gave the king a warning. When he didn't listen to the warning God turned him into an animal. We should all want to be kind to the poor and not mean to them. This chapter was interesting for me, it is probably interesting for everyone.

Joan said...

I too love this chapter! What a lesson - Pride is one of the most dangerous temptations we face.

I also love how after Nebuchadnezzar's "sanity returned" he praised God and acknowledged that "HE is able to humble the proud".