Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Job 32


Unknown said...

"But it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty that gives understanding. It is not just older people who are wise; they are not the only ones who understand what is right." v8-9

It is so beautiful to see the witness and testimony of young lives in scripture who were anointed by the holy spirit and graced with wisdom and discernment. Daniel and his three companions, David, Timothy... I pray that my children will be anointed with such wisdom and discernment, humility and maturity.

Berry Girl said...

well, I don't know if we can include this guy in those who were inspired by God. He claims that his words were from the Lord, but it is really just his opinion that he's speaking. But we will see that in the next few chapters.

I like the description though of the burning inside of him to speak out. I've had that before - feeling that I had something better to add or "more right". This is a good reminder to me that even though I may feel very right, I may in fact not be. I guess it's always a good idea to temper your speech and your thoughts with a little love and caution...

Shailey said...

"Then Elihu son of Barakel the Buzite,of the clan of Ram,became angry.He was angry because Job refused to admit that he had sinned and that God was right in punishing him."v 2

Just because God is making Job suffer it doesn't mean that he sinned,it could mean that God is testing him to see how much Job loves him.So,if God is making you suffer it doesn't mean that you have done something wrong,God may just be testing you.

Unknown said...

yeah, I know what you mean, I wasn't referring to it being true of him, so much as being a truth that we can witness elsewhere in scripture, people we can look to as inspirational examples.

About the burning inside to speak. To me that is a sure sign of immaturity. I have seen it in myself. It's funny, lately I have been thinking a lot about "to speak or not to speak". I don't suffer from the "I have something more better to say" syndrome so much anymore, but talking does come easy to me and awkward silences not-so-much. Or maybe it is just me who finds silence awkward. Even when I am alone with myself, my mind is usually tick-tick-tocking away and the only reason I really love silence is because it is more conducive to uninterrupted thinking *grin*.

Anyway.... I have been thinking I talk far too much. And not talking is okay. and I need to find a balance in that area. But then the other part of me hates feeling like I never really know anyone because they keep all their thoughts to themselves. :) Hamster wheel in my head... do you hear it spinning?

Berry Girl said...

yeah, I can hear it all the way over here :)