Saturday, December 13, 2008

Luke 13


Unknown said...

I was very confused by the first portion of chapter 13th, till I read my devotional column and it says that Jesus is basically breaking down the "prosperity gospel" in this account. How fascinating the previously muddled text became to me then as I read it again!

"My devotions said; "Many Jews believed that good fortune, health and wealth were signs of God's approval and that hardships or tragedies were signs of God's judgement...."

Jesus basically kaiboshed this mentality in this passage by saying "were these worshippers more sinful than Galileans? Why would God destroy them and not people who are even more wicked...?" etc.

Interesting... basically He appears to be saying that we are all doomed for death and earthly destruction so make sure that your hearts are right so that when it happens you will be in the right place.... powerful.

Unknown said...

I also found it interesting how the lady in the synagogue that was crippled was so because of the effects of an evil spirit's oppression. But in another account a man blind from birth was so by the sovreign will of God that His glory might be revealed. Not sure where to go with that, but I thought it was notable.

Also nominalism and partisanism being ousted in verses 22-30. Sitting in the pew surrounded by people of faith doesn't give you a personal relationship with the Savior.