Monday, October 13, 2008

Genesis 49

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was so saddened by the "blessing"?? of the first three sons. The misguided potential just squeezed at my heart. And to be perfectly honest I was mad at Jacob. I could be totally off the mark here, but in my heart I believe that if he would have set his sights on shepherding these kids through their growing years much of this "trouble" he is now cursing them for could have been avoided.

I'm not saying that we can parent perfectly, but just that when we parent dilligently, pointing kids continuously to the Great Shepherd, I think they learn the beauty and serenity of life in the fold compared to careening wildly off crags and precipices as they run wild with the wolves at their heels.

I also was jolted by v 14 "Issachar is like a strong donkey who lies down while carrying his load. When he sees his resting place is good, and how pleasant the land is, he will put his back to the load and become a slave." Yikes. Major spiritual allegory popping up here in my mind's eye. How often do I get totally distracted by "this pleasant land" to the point of becoming a slave to it's drives and passions? Does it's baggage tie me down so much that I am just laying here in the road basking in "this" place, losing sight of the destination I am called to. Oh Lord, let me not become a slave to the passions of this world, may my heart burn and yearn for what is to come.

v 18 I love that in the middle of all this earthly past/future talk he all of a sudden interjects with "Lord, I wait for your salvation."
