Friday, October 24, 2008

Isaiah 50

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it's so nice to go back and look over these last days readings, and be affirmed in the things that first touched and moved me when I read them.

"I came home and found no one there, I called, but no one answered." piercing pain at how dulled we are to Him. How distracted, how stupid. Like sheep just utterly dumb to how the shepherd is trying to lead them to greener pastures, to still waters. And they balk, and bolt, and stubbornly lay their ears back against their heads and set their eyes where THEY want to go.

"Who among you fears the Lord and obeys his servant? That person may walk in the dark and have no light. Then let him trust in the Lord and depend on his God. But instead, some of you want to light your own fires, and make your own light. So go, walk in the light of your own fires, and trust in your own light to guide you.

Wow. This was even better the second time round. Word.