Thursday, November 20, 2008

1 Chronicles 7


Unknown said...

v 24 "Ephraim's daughter was Sheerah. She built Lower Beth Horon, Upper Beth Horon, and Uzzen Sheera." I always find it remarkable when in this world (time) where everything came down to "the men" the bible never fails to record the feats of remarkable women as well. They weren't just "property", they were people who "counted". Somehow their stories and get buried under all the masculine bold strokes of Old Testament history, but they are there, and He sees them, and He tells their stories.

Berry Girl said...

wow. I'm impressed that you can pick that out of the endlessly dry lists of names (lol) - I am pretty much avoiding this book I have to confess. Every time I see "the sons of so-and-so were..." my eyes start to glaze over a bit.

Unknown said...

this book is painfully dry. My eyes more than glaze over. I just skim the names and then pause when I see anything that is actually making a historical reference. Seriously, I'm sure the names matter to someone somewhere, but it sure ain't me. =)