Tuesday, November 11, 2008

1 Samuel 4

1 comment:

Unknown said...

blech. not what I'd call a feel good passage. bad endings all around. My devotional notes (Lucado... love him) say "Eli had grown lazy in his position." What a good example for us to not just start well, and rest on good intentions, but to fight the good fight continuously and "always grow. grow always." (I've claimed the milk slogan and redefined it ha!)

I also loved this from Max; "The Israelites worshiped the Ark, rather than God himself. Is there an "ark" in your life? Does something get more attention than God? If so, turn your focus to the ever-present God, whose power transcends any object."

I came to discover at one point in my life that the bible had become a certain ark to me. Where I was more concerned with picking it apart and analyzing it and fitting everything into nice little systematic theological and interpretational folders than just letting it lead me to the feet of the One who commissioned it. I'm so thankful to have gotten past that funk and to now be more concerned with focusing my eyes on the author and seeking to get glimpses into His character and heart for mankind rather than treating His words like a proof text.