Sunday, November 9, 2008

II Corinthians 10


Unknown said...

v5 "We destroy peoples arguments and every proud thing that raises itself against the knowledge of God. We capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ.

I love his. Sometimes I think I am crazy to analyze and "test" things so much, but then I read a passage like this and know that it is God's will for me to be alert and cautious about being conditioned to the patterns of this world.

Unknown said...

v 8 It's interesting how he outlines the intent behind his "rebuke". It's not just to be an opinionated and judgemental pain in the heiny, but to "build you up, not tear you down." "So I will not be ashamed" he says. I won't be ashamed of telling you you are totally off base here, because I'm not doing it with an air of superiority but an air of concern. Focus on the real object of our devotion and stop getting sidetracked by silly arguments that muddy the waters.