Wednesday, December 3, 2008

1 Chronicles 8


Unknown said...

difficult chapter. seems totally irrelevant to me, here where I sit. But then I thought, all these names, all these stories, people shunned, people divorced, rulers and rebels... are all names of people that God created and loved. In all our successes and failures, He is waiting, calling, loving, forgiving. That's the essence of the gospel story. And if I'm recognizant of it I can find it even in the dullest chapter like Chronicles 8.

Linda said...

At first I thought I had the wrong chapter:-)
but you are right. There is not one word of scripture that is wasted. It all has meaning for us. I am so thankful that scripture is filled with the names of those who were as full of faults and failures as I am - and yet used by the Lord.