Monday, December 8, 2008

Exodus 7


Berry Girl said...

yuck. 7 days of undrinkable, stinking, blood. Everywhere. That's gross.

I had never read this part before - "So the Lord said to Moses: "See, I have made you as God to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet". wow. I wonder if Moses trembled at this? Who else was ever made to be "as God" to someone else? I think that's truly remarkable, particularly since the only reason that they needed Aaron was because Moses was being such a coward.

If ever there was an example in the Bible of God's predestining people either for good or for bad, Pharaoh would is it. Not that I am fully convinced either way, but what a powerful example on the side of the Calvinists.

I wonder what Aaron was thinking as he threw down his rod that first time. Did he doubt? Did he chuck the rod and expect it to just clatter to the ground as...a ROD? Or did he believe the entire time and have amazing faith? I love that even in the face of Moses' doubt and fear, God still used him. Mightily. He made him "as God" to Pharaoh. Doesn't get much more powerful than that. It gives me encouragement that even in the face of my uncertainty and "unbelief", as it were, God will still use me.
My heart cry is (and may always be...) with the father in Mark 9 "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief"

Unknown said...

I've been thinking too about the "God using weak people". Just some of the stuff we were discussing in Sunday school. It's when we are weak that His strength is made perfect in us. If we say "I need to take care of myself" as the answer to us being stretched beyond our own energy then we don't give Him the chance to give us supernatural strength to serve and sacrifice with loving and compassionate hearts, not because WE are great servants or so loving and compassionate, but because HE starts to work through us and His love and compassion take over our hardness of heart and transform us. I don't know if I am describing it well, but it is a remarkable phenomenon to me. I KNOW that I don't get up cheerfully at night because it's my disposition. But because I begged God to transform me in this area, and now He gives me a spirit of strength and compassion to be able to do what used to be torcher, and to actually be *blessed* in doing it. wow. That's a miracle.

Unknown said...

torture... obviously.