Tuesday, February 17, 2009

1 Samuel 18


Unknown said...

I love the friendship between Jonathan and David so much. Especially from Jonathan's angle. Totally selfless, total admiration and respect and a bond of brotherhood that didn't leave room for any angst (that David was indeed anointed by God to be the next king). I have made it my goal to be a "Jonathan" friend to women whose lives come near and intersect my own. Appreciating them wholeheartedly for their unique and special qualities, wanting their best and loving them like siblings. I don't know how externally noticeble this is, but it is more a heart condition that I focus on, making sure my heart is there. When that sense of deep seated loyalty is returned, it makes for a remarkably blessed and delightful relationship.

Unknown said...

I also meant to comment on the start contrast between the relationship that Jonathan and David shared, and that of David and Saul, and even David and Michal which were tainted with jealousy, angst, puffed up ego, wounded pride and self centred aspirations. Ugh. Although I strive to be a Jonathan friend so often I struggle with these same feelings of jealousy, angst and wounded pride, and it's just u.g.l.y. Seriously, makes my lip curl. I do *not* want to go through life captive to those ugly feelings. This is very timely, because I have been wrestling with this issue in real time and while I am conscious and "doing battle in the heavenlies", it is still a very visual reminder to me of "who do you want to be like"?

Berry Girl said...

I love their friendship too. My Bible says "and Jonathan loved him as his own soul". Beautiful.

in stark contrast to that, is David gathering 200 foreskins, and handing them to Saul. ewww.