Friday, August 14, 2009

Jeremiah 26


Unknown said...

"You will make this city and everyone who lives in it guilty too." v15

I find the concept of societal and territorial guilt very, very humbling and disconcerting.

Keystone said...

Another Bible version states it like this:

"As for me, I'm at your mercy—do whatever you think is best. But take warning: If you kill me, you're killing an innocent man, and you and the city and the people in it will be liable. I didn't say any of this on my own. God sent me and told me what to say. You've been listening to God speak, not Jeremiah." v14-15

When we harm the innocent, we are all held liable. While this speech is in reference to a city, a society, a nation, it is just as easily applied to the home.

For example, Joseph's brothers were jealous that he was favored child. This sibling rivalry found Joseph (innocent, btw) sold by his brothers and sent away (plus a lie at home to the parents on what happened---'he was killed by animals'. Liability came upon the entire home.

I am amazed at the volume of parents who condone teen sex behavior in their home, and later wonder why their "territory of home" has no peace.

Alcoholic parents damage innocent children. Liability and judgement is assured down the road.

Two women once told me of their continual praise of God, and prayer continuously, all the way from Pittsburgh, home to Erie (about a 2 hour drive or so).
(Everyone drives to Pittsburgh airport to shave of $300 to $400 per ticket to fly 110 miles to there).

"But each time we approach Erie County by Edinboro, a heavy, dooming spirit oppresses all prayer and we literally cry instead of praise from that point... every trip.", they told me.

I already knew. For I feel that spirit of darkness over the entire county as well, and the same as the ladies when I return from Pittsburgh.

I came name good done here, like the Underground Railroad homes that held slaves from the South until dark, and put them on boats of freedom to Canada across the Great Lake (about 30 miles).

Only one doctor has attempted to set up an abortion clinic in this community ever! He has been plagued with court filings and legal maneuvers that have checkmated killing babies here.
You have the right (Roe vs Wade), but you have to go to Akron or Buffalo to use the right to slay an innocent child.

But we know from Daniel, that he prayed for 21 days (chapter 10) and God was silent.

In reality, God sent an angel to Daniel and proclaimed: "Your prayer was answered on the FIRST day, Daniel. God approves of you. But it was met with resistance by the Prince of Persia

("we do not wage war against flesh and blood, but against the principalities of darkness")...Ephesians 6:10-20 Armor of God.

The spiritual battle is all over the globe with some territories, held by satan.

It is like a film negative, where all is reversed, before printing the truth picture.

The Principalities of Darkness make Erie (this city) and everyone who lives in it guilty they instigate rampant sin, and turning from God.
Our employment places leave; our money is unwisely spent; our roads destroyed; homelessness increased; divorce condoned; the list goes on, and the liability too.

You can see the "territories" on the news, like Kosova, Somalia, and much of Africa, where evil is perpetrated. That sin empowers the principalities of darkness and rulers in the unseen kingdom, giving a stronghold to satan, that future faithful must demolish on behalf of God.

Start by protecting YOUR home, then territory, then society.
Submit to God; then satan will flee from you.

Unknown said...

>>While this speech is in reference to a city, a society, a nation, it is just as easily applied to the home.<<

Yes! And as to the spiritual oppression, yes, I know this as well. I grew up in a small backwoods logging community frought with alcoholism, adultery, incest, murder, homosexuality, you name it. It has to be one of the most beautiful (scenic) places on the planet, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, with raging rivers and lush landscape crawling with beautiful wildlife, but when I get to a certain distance away I feel the peace sucked out of me and a chill settle over my bones and the woods lose thier beauty and become strangely eerie. It's territory that clearly has a strongly established fortress that is fighting all things good in the heavenlies.

>> "Your prayer was answered on the FIRST day, Daniel. God approves of you. But it was met with resistance by the Prince of Persia

met with resistance. WE don't like resistance do we? We don't like the need for persistance. We don't like discipline.

>>It is like a film negative, where all is reversed, before printing the truth picture.<<

Wow. WOW. This is SUCH a great picture for it!

>>Start by protecting YOUR home, then territory, then society.
Submit to God; then satan will flee from you.<<

Amen and amen and amen! Thank you SO much for fellowshipping here today, my friend!