Monday, August 17, 2009

Leviticus 3


Unknown said...

The scapegoat. People were not required to "pay a petty personal price" for their sin, but to sacrifice something in their stead. No rosary to be recounted umpteen times, no certain prayers pleading mercy and forgiveness, something had to give. Something had to DIE. All pointing forward to that perfect sacrifice of the lamb of Glory, once for all, for the sins of all mankind. Washing us clean, atoning for our miserable failure and pulling us into the holy of holies to present us to God as a living sacrifice.

Keystone said...

If the entire book of Leviticus were laid out on a single piece of paper, printed in full, and used as wrapping paper on a gift within, The wrapping paper of Leviticus would be "Worship".

The gift within the "Worship" paper is "HOLY", we are to Be Holy for God is Holy, and to worship God, Holiness is central.

Anyone who has ever gone to elementary school, secondary school, and to a lesser degree college, will find that the first five days or so, are a series of introducing WHAT we will learn, HOW it will be studied, your GRADING system, RULES and regulations at the school, and meeting new fellow classmates to love or hate for 9 months to come.

The Exodus left 1 to 2 million people camped at the base of a mountain. They were entering a new school for the very first time in 400 years. Freedom was in; captivity and bondage was OUT.

Leviticus is the headmaster, telling all new people who have just arrived, these are our rules and regulation, what you will do, how you will do it, and worship the Lord in Holiness.

The first three chapters include Burnt Offering, Grain Offering, and Fellowship Offering. All three are voluntary offerings, and inform folks on their new semester rules:
Burnt Offering is a beginning of worship, commitment, devotion, and surrender to God.

Grain Offering is exacted in detail and is a recognition of God's provision, his goodness, and again, early worship.

Fellowship Offering involves fellowship and thanksgiving, along with a communal meal.

All of these are voluntary acts of worship. The animals described were slaughtered in total; no scapegoat, just voluntary offerings to set the stage of holiness and perfection, required to fellowship with God, for HE is holy.

4 and 5 get into mandatory acts of worship, since they involve sin offerings and guilt offerings.

The scapegoat is yet to come, for all that has been set in rules for the millions at the mountain, have been clear instructions, voluntary, and death to the animals, no escape.
Purity is a hallmark requirement at each stage.

With sin, there is separation, and reconciliation is no longer voluntary. The wages of sin is death. Ours, or a "scapegoat" in our place.

This reminds me of Noah's Flood in Genesis, with a new beginning, a new class starting all over again.
People are quick to recall the sex, the propogation of species by having male and female of each enter the Ark, to preserve creation. Genesis 7 speaks of bringing in SEVEN animals; the food to live had already been ordered for family, and all animals too.

God preserved holiness, and destroyed all else.

A coupla million folks freed from Pharaoh needed to learn all over again, as a new semester of God's children entered the school of life.

Unknown said...

wow. you are SUCH a wealth of information! what is your background? I would love to know more about you, the stuff you share is so deep and rich and fascinating. I VALUE your thoughts!

Keystone said...

Hello Prairie Chick,

I thank you for your kind words to me this day. I originally noted your blog as "Prologues", and have read there before (and likely commented there too; I comment widely and do not blog).

Occasionally, good writing shows up and I tend to make myself at home. I only knew of Prologues, when last week, I accidently discovered your other venues by clicking a tab.

The Bible study intrigued me, for it is not complicated, well set up, and different from prior Bible studies I have attended, even Sunday School.

My caution at such ventures is "Does anyone know the Bible?"
Otherwise, the blind lead the blind and false truth is derived from our same Bible.

Denominations mean nothing to me, provided they believe in Jesus Christ, and observe what he commands. We are brothers and sisters all.

Your observation somewhere else that women can preach is Biblically correct, and should be sourced and discussed as approached in your studies.

I though your "homosexual covenant" a tad off base, and can not find Biblical sanctioning of that.

However, your thoughts on divorce were dead on accurate.
God understands the divorced among us, for HE got a divorce himself (from unfaithful Israel and issued a certificate of divorce to prove it). Pastors will not tell you that, eh?

" I observed that it was because unfaithful Israel had committed adultery that I had sent her away and had given her a certificate of divorce."
~~~God, Jeremiah 3:8

What my intentions as I comment most places are, to simplify the truth in a way that people can be sure it is Biblically based, and understandable in current lingo.

Blogs hold still and espouse opinion. I move around the Internet in Comments, and add truth to those venues where it is appropriate, or I find incredible heresy, and take the time to post, and be blasted accordingly.

I have attended many Christian denominations, learned them completely, and likely can tell current members what their faith tells them, more than they know now.

It is not my brilliance; it is the suppression of the Holy Spirit in our churches, designed to hide truth of the Word, and propogate a Gospel of Prosperity
(um, Jesus said that the poor will ALWAYS be among us, and He would not). Therefore, how can God want all people "prospered", as our evangelists lie to us?

Perhaps we can lessen the confusion (a hallmark that satan is near, as is deception, lies, darkness, death and destruction). All of those indicate satan is instigating a spiritual battle; it is NOT the people you SEE, it is the princes of darkness you do not see, making trouble.

Often, it is just us sinning, nothing demonic. This must be taught truthfully and biblically. That is why it was provided by God of all eternity to us.

Many will say this no longer matters since Christ blood at Calvary defeated satan, and looking at him is a waste of time. The battle is over.

That is a lie. And satan is the father of lies spreading it.
The Bible is God Breathed, and he would have exhaled those chapters out if satan was no harm to us now.

Note the Armor of God (spiritual warfare protection), comes late in the New Testament in Ephesians.

I watched an evangelical pastor in Florida tell his flock to walk across a sword (huge military one) he placed on the platform floor, and they would be "saved". All marched up and shouted exclamations of praise that they were "saved", except one guy in his seat....ME.
He deceived everyone, and works for the kingdom of darkness.

So let us study truth together, a chapter at a time. God will send others as he builds all churches.

continued---(space restrictions)

Keystone said...

the rest of that.....

I would like your biblical sanction of homosexual covenants being condoned . Never read that before and would appreciate the source for me to explore and learn it. To date, all I have read disputes that.
But on women preachers and divorce, you are spot on.

I have told you of why I write.
Over time, we will learn of backrounds of each other, and lessons learned in the years of our youth and forward.

You will find I am very big on authenticity,

I will also try your picnic ham in a crockpot (looked good) as did rasberry slush. Perhaps I will surprise you with a recipe for pot roast in return. I do not write down cooking recipes, but cook freehand, dabbing this or that in and out.
Here is a hint: when you make bean soup, take an onion and stuff it all over on the outside with whole cloves. Push them in. Toss it all in with the soup, and remove the onion with all cloves inside it, to throw away. The flavor is there, the aroma is there, and no hassle. (I sometimes do it with chicken noodle or chicken vegetable soup in a crock too, as my girls hate onions and I love them. Clove is excellent flavor, and the cloves disappear when the onion is tossed.

And in the bible study by chapter, we will Win-Win, savoring the Bread of Life.
I hope that is a good enough start to your query.
Blessings to you out there on the Prairie.


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your heart. I can see that my comment from Timothy wasn't clear and you misunderstood my intention. I made three statements that I have in recent years seen strongly argued that I happen to be in disagreement with. Those arguments are;

1. that homosexuality is not a sin, but is only a sin inasmuch as it is practiced outside of a convenantal relationship, inasmuch as adultery would be a sin (sexual relations outside of marriage). We have acquaintances who have linked to websites that "preach this truth" and if you like, I can find links for you. But surely if you find any denomination with homosexual pastors you will see this heresy taught.

2. Teachings that suppress male headship and place women on equal spiritual authority footing with men. I personally believe in equality and that God gifts man or woman to do ALL of his work, but I can't get around spiritual authority in the church and how scripture solely references men in this regard. As such I believe that women can preachTeach/prophesy et all when under the covering and authority and approval of a male pastorate and eldership. This is just my personal conviction based on study of God's word.

Thirdly, while I do believe the bible "allows" for divorce. I believe divorce is NOT condoned or encouraged outside of instances where the covenant has been broken. Then I believe it is "permitted" but still not a "given". Personally my convictions are that marriage is a lifetime commitment, and even if my husband broke vows, I would not feel that "releases" me to divorce him "just because." I think of Hosea and how that is a picture of the type of commitment God has for His covenants, and the kind He wants me to have for mine.

These are all my personal convictions, and yes, I am an idealist and I aim high. I don't judge others or criticize them for thinking otherwise but I DO get angry when people want to twist scriptures and make them into their own image. Hope that makes sense and you understand where I am coming from.

I just LOVE the chance to fellowship with you!

Keystone said...

Iwent back to 2 Tomothy 3 to see where we parted. I believe it was THIS line:

" The Bible supports female pastors, the bible does not condemn homosexuality but only homosexuality practiced outside of a covenantal relationship, the bible does not discourage divorce."

The line alarmed me.
I read that as ADVOCACY by you.
That is out of context from what precedes and follows, which BOTH make it clear, that you are iterating things you do not believe.

Perhaps a conjunction, "OR, after the prior sentence would avoid the reader error.
Or, maybe I just need new glasses. eh?

Social networking in the Millennials makes having friends a priority in life to survive.
Later, they discover a friend is homosexual. The need for a friend, outweighs the need for clarity of God's truth, for the burden of homosexuality issues is too heavy for their young stems of youth, to support such a heavy bloom.

Tolerance is espouse at school; an invasion by satan into our youth's lives. Shall I tolerate drinking a gallon of Clorox? Schools need to teach three R's and computer skills and history. They can also teach virtues, like respect as you hang up you coat instead of toss it on the floor. Two gals sticking tongues down their throats alarmed me at my daughter's middle school and I asked calmly: "What the hell is going on here?"
She replied: "It's tolerance day dad. They are teaching us tolerance". How many parents see this? How many school boards would fight the shouting down of the gay community at a board meeting if this were morally protested?
So the youth of today learn it is ok....then go to college and live together. The stage for divorce later on has already been erected by then.

I find little ambiguity from God, on His stance of homosexuality as an abomination to Him. I have read justification via New Testament "inclusiveness" to Love One Another", but find few loving Osama bin Laden.

In the early Church, St. Augustine is universally accepted as a great author. His own quote to God, revealed his passion for lust:

"Oh God,make me pure....but not yet!"
This is one of the greatest Church authors.
His mother, Monica, was a prayer intercessor for her son, and it is HER prayers that turned
"hugh-hefner-AUGUSTINE", into "Saint Augustine".

Do the same today.
The men of our current society have foregone biblical responsibility (but they are tempted by a culture of playmates gone wild, now starting in the middle school grades as youth become goths and wear tramp clothing, for that is all society

It is a battle of the genders to see who can run down the funnel at the sewer first.

Single mom's have difficulty playing the dad role. The kids have no model of functional and biblical, but few churches step up to the plate to help these kids, and mom....I speak as a single dad, and it is worse, for there is zero programs out there for them.

My university will open new dorms this month. 6 students share a suite, both genders together.
I fail to see how an 18 year old girl, walking out of the shower and bathroom dressed in a towel as she heads to her room, is not an open invitation to lust, and a fire much greater as the semester continues. I am ashamed that my university advocates this.

But when I look at your three stated positions on homosexuality, (NO), divorce (NO), and women pastors (NO), I stop and think of the thief on the Cross who turned to Christ and asked "Would you put a good word in for me?"
And Christ replied: "This day you will be with me there, so consider it done".

I like to think of that thief as a homosexual, divorced pastor, albeit not a woman. All of those sins mean zip to him who repents and changes.


Keystone said...

the rest....

Our churches teach repent.
They do not teach change and transform, or how.

Our miscommunication on your views was in my reading the line as a continuation of your advocacy, not a continuation of what you believe to be Biblically false.

I thought your favoring homosexuality via the bible as unfounded, and I had not looked to see espousing of women pastors, though many examples of women in charge abound; Esther, Ruth, Rahab, Deborah, and more.

As for divorce, Christ allowed that sexual unfaithfuness ended a marriage, should either partner choose after. But it was NOT the sex that concerned him.
We are held accountable to our VOWS. What we say is of utmost importance to God, for it reveals our true heart to him.

When we vow to "foresake all other" and then do adultery, we break the VOW. This is the angst of God; not sex.

You site Gomer in Hosea, and there it is. She had sex with any and all guys, ignoring her VOWS to Hosea. He really got a bum deal of a life, but an eternal jackpot.

Hosea bought his wife at auction, after she hit the lowest of lows in life. She was no longer pure, worthy, or even desirable to most. But God saw her as the child he created, and had Gomer buy her, and restore the marriage.

It was an allegory to his own situation of unfaithfulness by Israel to him....causing him to "issue a certificate of divorce" himself!
He does believe in divorce; he does not believe it wise, best, or an early option as we do today.

But God did get a divorce from Israel. They broke their VOWS to him, and it was NOT sex.

Unknown said...

great thoughts, sorry for the bad presentation of my thoughts in the Timothy text, I've edited it. Your thoughts on the theif on the cross line up so well with the direction my thoughts took during this morning's reading. I agree with you on the divorce issue, that "permitted" does not equate to best or wise, or even necessarily His will. Regardless covered by grace as are all of our less than best failures.

Not sure I follow your convictions on the women in leadership aspect, if you feel those women are examples supporting female spiritual authority in the church, as none of them are really in a position of spiritual authority such as priesthood or the pastorate encompasses, although I recognize that Deborah was a spiritual leader (judge) in a time when men were not filling their roles to the shame of the nation. (Isaiah 3:12)

I do believe that God gifts and can and will use women to lead His people, but that he CALLS men to a position of spiritual authority and He CALLS women to come under this covering, in direct reversal of what happened at the Tree between Adam and Eve. I believe it is the biggest challenge to both genders, men to lead like Christ, and women to resist taking the lead.

Keystone said...

Reread Esther.

One of few gifted with beauty, but not obsessed with it
(satan was the most beautiful angel created, and a worship leader in heaven. His narcissism turned a third of all angels eyes from God,... to satan).

I sited the women as having substantial roles in the Bible, therefore, it appears ok by God.

We do not live in the ideal on this side of heaven.
Therefore, having women fill in for the spiritual roles of men, though not ideal, leads to a new generation of men and women, who may now revert to a closer proximation of the ideal.

Look no further than the widows of say, 9/11 tragedy, who teach their children the goodness of God out of the loss of their spouse and dads.
When it comes to submission, let all "Submit to God; resist satan". Things flow ok from there.

Ps. I have not yet read the edited Timothy text, but be advised the error in understanding could just as easily be within the domain of my poor reading/comprehension skills, not your writing.

Unknown said...

>>We do not live in the ideal on this side of heaven.
Therefore, having women fill in for the spiritual roles of men, though not ideal, leads to a new generation of men and women, who may now revert to a closer proximation of the ideal.<<

I concur. My problem arises when people want to twist scripture to make it support that women need not "fill in the spiritual roles of men" but indeed there is no such teaching of such a "spiritual role of men" and there is no longer male or female, and the more female leadership is pushed the more happy men are to lay back and let women lead. You are right that a future generation will recognize the need for men to be men and will experience revival. That does not mean that we should adopt a Romans 6:1 attitude, I know you would agree. Permissable does not equal ideal. Let's not settle.

Also, I think you would agree that although Polygamy is "permitted" in the Bible and rules to govern it are even set in place (to protect the secondary wives), would we see that as being "okay" the same way we view women as spiritual authorities in the church? There are many things permitted and outlined in scripture that are results of stubborn hearts and sinful humanity, not meaning they are God's will.