Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hebrews 1


Unknown said...

"The best just got better." It's a favorite slogan with advertisers. It's not that the previous product was poor. It's just that the current one is superior. The book of Hebrews might well use the same slogan. The best just got better.

There was nothing inferior about the Jewish religion. It was given by God and designed by God. Every principle, rule, and ritual had a wealth of meaning. the Old Testament served as a faithful guide for thousands of people over thousands of years. It was the best offered to man.

But when Christ came, the best got better.

Hebrews was written for Jewish believers who were torn between their new faith and their old ways. The temptation was to slip back into familiar routines and rituals, settling for second best.

It's doubtful that you will ever be tempted to exchange your faith for an ancient system of priests and sacrifices. But you will be tempted to exchange it for something inferior.

While reading Hebrews, be reminded: Once you've known the best, why settle for anything less?

Max Lucado, intro to Hebrews

Unknown said...

Love Hebrews. "You love right and hate evil, so God has chosen you from among your friends; He has set you apart with much joy." v9

I want this verse to be true of me and my relationship with Christ. We are called after all, to be Christlike.

"Your throne will last forever and ever. You will rule your kingdom with fairness" v8 goosebumps.

"(the earth and the skies) will be destroyed, but you will remain. They will all wear out like clothes. You will fold them like a coat adn like clothes, you will change them. But you never change and your life will never end." v11-12

again, goosebumps.