Friday, October 2, 2009

Jeremiah 33

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Pray to me, and I will answer you. I will tell you important secrets you have never heard before." v3

We take the first step, and God draws near and opens up the floodgates of wisdom and heavenly treasure. He is just waiting to reveal His heart to us. But we need to be hungry for it. We need to initiate the conversation.

On a side note, all the stuff about day and night toward the end of the chapter really made me mindful of how perfectly God has designed everything. How precise and necessary all the elements of creation are. I was reading in a magazine in the hospital the other day how people who do not get DARK during nightime hours (shift workers, or people exposed to light during the night) are 50 percent more likely to develop cancer. The cause had to do with the release of melatonin (or lack thereof) that takes place only in the dark. Made me smile. Not that people get cancer, but just how nature is designed to create a balance and so many little things come together perfectly for our wellbeing.