Friday, December 18, 2009

Jeremiah 45


Unknown said...

You have said; "How terrible itis for me! The Lord has given me sorrow along with my pain. I am tired because of my suffering and cannot rest." v3

this verse brought back such emotional remembrance of times of depression.
God said; "Baruch, ,you are looking for great things for yourself. Don't look for them, because I will bring disaster on all the people." v5

Looking at this short picture into Baruch's life, and God's response, just really brought home again how important it is to not get all tied up and weighed down by our circumstances. To put our hope in the Almighty and in His sovreignty and love and eternal purposes.

We may lose hope, but God looks at the big picture. His purposes are eternal, and we are a vapor. May I never get to the point again where I despair of hope because my present circumstances are trying. May I buckle down and press on, and trust in the one who leads me on.

Mac an Rothaich said...

Amen and great encouragement you bring with your views on this chapter Prairie Chick:)