Monday, December 7, 2009

Leviticus 19


Unknown said...

verse nineteen is curious to me. not cross breeding and cross pollinating or mixing natural resources to create new resources (at least that's the idea I get from not mixing materials).

I am glad I read this chapter right after the faith chapter. Faith will result in careful, righteous living. God's standard is high. My reach is usually pathetically low. I will aim higher this week.

Denise said...

"Some people think the Bible is nothing but a book of don'ts. But Jesus neatly summarized all these rules when he said to love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself. He called these the greatest commandments of all. By carrying out Jesus' simple commands, we find ourselves following all of God's other laws as well"

Mac an Rothaich said...

Love that statement Denise. Jesus wasn't about don't he was about do's! DO love God, do love your neighbor, do love your brother, do love your enemy! GO AND DO for others! Do in accordance with God's will!

Chris said...

Verse 32 stuck out for me. I don't remember seeing it here before, but it brings me comfort, knowing that God commanded us to take care of our elders and treat them with dignity.