Sunday, January 24, 2010

James 5


Berry Girl said...

while I was reading this, what stuck out for me was the waiting in expectation for the second coming, and how this is a recurring theme in the NT. It made me think of how many people in the OT believed that the coming of the Messiah was imminent, but never lived to see it, and in fact it didn't occur even remotely within their lifetime, but many many decades later.
Likewise, all the references in the NT to the second coming of Christ refer to it as imminent - it's going to happen SOON. But that was hundreds of years ago.

I do not wait with an expectant heart like they did, and I should. Whether or not this will occur in my lifetime, I want to have a heart that waits in expectation for it.

Unknown said...

v5 "Your life on earth was full of rich living and pleasing yourself with everything you wanted. You made yourselves fat like an animal ready to be killed."

This verse was very convicting to me. We are not rich by North American standards, but the truth of the matter is that whatever those standards might be, we live a VERY rich life. More and more with each passing year we grow richer in wanting to give more and spend less. And spend what we do spend wisely and responsibly. In the little things as well as the big things. We have so far to go, but it is good to see growth in our lives in this area.

16 "the prayer of an innocent person is powerfu" this reminded me of what Lou shared at his seminar. If we pray with hidden sins and unconfessed guilt then we can't hope to have our petitions heard. We must first confess our sins, and then make our petition.

Loved what you shared b-girl. I do live with an expectant heart, sometimes more than others, but usually it is a thrilling and present part of my life. It's a hope and a faith that we have.