Monday, January 4, 2010

Leviticus 23


Unknown said...

"There are six days for you to work, but the seventh day will be a special day of rest. It is a day for a holy meeting; you must not do any work. It is a Sabbath to the Lord in all your homes." v3

I've pondered this one a lot this year. The principle of a special day set apart as holy, to the Lord, for His glory and for man's benefit. I don't think the "seventh" day or the "first" day really is what matters, but the principle.

Since Sunday is the "Sabbath" for the Church, I've come to view it as "firstfruits" of my time. The first day of the week, setting it aside as special and consecrating it in order to also be obedient to the first and second commandments.

In seeking balance in my life, I know this is one area, along with my daily time in the word and prayer that I must choose to make priority.

Chris said...

I'm slowly working through the concept of Sabbath... not quite at peace yet with what it looks like in my own life... Meals always feel a bit like "regular work" (vs.3,7,21,25,28,30,31,35) so I'll aim to prep stuff on Saturday to make Sunday more of a worshipful/peaceful day.

In lieu of rote sacrifices, I'd like to find meaningful ways of fasting/sacrificing and 'communioning' as a family... not sure yet what that will look like... must think and pray about it more with Dave.

Denise said...

"When you harvest the crops of your land, do not harvest the grain along the edges of your fields, and do not pick up what the harvesters drop. Leave it for the poor and the foreigners living among you." (v.22) For some reason this verse touches me.

"You must do no ordinary work on that day" (v. 25). I love that for festivals God instructed to rest and celebrate. Our culture saddens me with how commercial everything is. And wow, "And I will destroy anyone among you who does any work on that day" (v. 30). When I was in the US there were so many signs advertising that they would be open on Christmas day. Really, why?!

Unknown said...

Yes... why? That is a loaded question. Why indeed.