Monday, January 11, 2010

Leviticus 24


Unknown said...

"Whoever causes an injury to a neighbor must receive the same kind of injury in return." v20

This verse really got me thinking. When I am injured, tempted to offense, or rattled by something someone says to me, or their interactions with me (or lack thereof), I take that feeling and I use it as a stepping stone to learning in my own life. Did someone make me feel stupid by something they said? Did someone make me feel left out or hurt? Then I turn those feelings into pro-active and decisive action that I want to learn to walk, talk, respond to others in ways that will never make them feel that way.

Then it takes the focus off of how someone treated me, and puts it on how I am treating others. GREAT victory over emotions and attitude comes as a result and great potential to sow good into other people's lives.

Chris said...

God was SO intentional in his laws to the Israelites. When we disobey His rules, we invite trouble into every area of our lives!

By intermarrying, this Israelite woman was mixing religions... the Egyptian father may not have instilled the same values/morals/beliefs in his son that an Israelite man may have. She lost her son partly as a consequence of her own decisions earlier on in life.

Sure helps me see how my actions can change the course of generations to come. *gulp*

I like your thought process, pchick... very encouraging.