Friday, March 5, 2010

Lamentations 4


Unknown said...

"the precious people of jerusalem were more valuable than gold, but now they are thought of as clay jars made by the hands of the potter." v2

reading this brought back vivid images from Jeremiah 18 when Jeremiah went to the potters house. "He was using his hands to make a pot from clay, but something went wrong with it. So he used that clay to make another potthe way he wanted it to be. Then the Lord spoke His word to me: "Family of Israel, can't I do the same thing with you?" says the Lord. "You are in my hands like the clay in the potter's hands." v4-6 which is such a sad story.

and yet also the beautiful picture of 2 Corinthians 4:7 "We have this treasure from God, but we are like clay jars that hold the treasure. This shows that the great power is from God, not from us."

Will be meditating on clay jars today... also reminds me of somethign else that I have been meditating on lately... what can we carry?

The words to a song that has been playing and playing through my head since the Olympics;

"What can we carry? What will stay with us? What will shine like gold when the story's told? Some things will tarry. Some will return to dust. There are things we can and things we can not keep."

Beautiful and thought provoking words for this earthen vessell to be conscious of.

Jude said...

Like the insight on the clay jars, Prairie I was reading the chapter I was surprised that the clay vessels were considered a down-grade.
I do not think that I have ever read a chapter from Lamentations and had difficulty taking just one piece and focussing on it. The imagery is horrifying, the circumstances distressing. If the people had recognized the desperation of their situation before the enemy had arrived, would they have changed. Certainly they were warned over and over but did not have eyes to see or ears to hear. Oh Lord, give us, all of us in this time, eyes to see and ears to hear you.

Denise said...

"This chapter contrasts the situation before the seige of Jerusalem with the situation after the siege. The sights and sounds of prosperity were gone because of the people's sin. This chapter warns us not to assume that when life is going well, it will always stay that way. We must be careful not to glory in our posperity or we will fall into spiritual poverty."