Thursday, May 27, 2010

Proverbs 3


Unknown said...

"don't depend on your own understanding." v5

"don't depend on your own wisdom." v7

God's way, His wisdom, His truth so often runs completely contrary to the way we would pursue. Take up our cross? Die to self? Turn the other cheek? And yet we know that living for self does not bring joy and fulfillment. That being bitter and harboring resentment is a prison cell that locks the peace right out of our lives.

Today I choose to close my eyes to that busy ever present message of a consumerist culture that is all about "I want" (to go, to buy, to do, to see, to have, to eat, to wear, to accomplish) and to revel in the truth of "His grace is enough" that will allow me to keep my mind clear for His wisdom. The matters of the heart.

Shailey said...

"My child,don't ingnore it
when the Lord disciplines
you,and don't be discouraged
when he corrects you.For the
Lord corrects those he loves,
just like a father corrects
a child in whom he delights."v11-12

Reminds me of how God loves us
more than our father and mother.
He corrects us besause He wants us to stay on his path so we don't have to suffer.

Denise said...

"To receive God's guidance, said Solomon, we must seek God's will in all we do. This means turning every area of life over to him. About a thousand years later, Jesus emphasized this same truth (Matthew 6:33). Examine your values and priorities. What is important to you? In what areas have you not acknowledged him? Yu may already acknowledge God in many areas of your life, but the areas where you attempt to restrict or ignore him will cause you grief. Make him a vital part of everything you do; then he will guide you because you will be working to accomplish his purposes."

Jude said...

v3 "Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind then around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart."

It is so easy to become bitter and sour unforgiving. These things make love and faithfulness so very hard to carry out. I can remember how uplifted I was when I first realized and sensed that God truly loved me and would be faithful always. He did not make us to be alone and he has given us himself as the spirit to ensure that we never have to be. Mmmm, mmmm...God is good!

And so I can do the same for my family and friends by 'writing them (love and faithfulness) on the tablet' of my heart.