Saturday, July 3, 2010

Matthew 8


Mac an Rothaich said...

I see a lot of information of faith and healing and how the two collide in this chapter...

Sorry, here are my notes... just thoughts, feel free to respond...

FIRST a leper who believed Christ could heal him and wondered if he would... he was healed and it makes me wonder how our expecting a healing really effects it (does faith mean EXPECTING the healing)? I think we need to see Christ as able and willing IF IT IS right for us. I have many a friend in Christ who would rebuke me for saying that illness or sickness is ever good for us once we are in Christ but I will not go there for there seems to be plenty of scripture telling us not to be afraid to suffer for Christ and other such things... My point is not to wonder if God is good and will do it (that is a wrong view of God for he is always good) but to wonder if he will heal us, simply because it may or may not be right for us, this seems an okay examination of a situation and not a little faith issue as some proclaim it to be.

SECOND the centurion... not a Jew...yet he had a great faith. He seemed to have no limit on Christ's ability to heal. He understood that if God's power was going to be involved no physical requirements need be involved. A beautiful understanding! Healing often gets looked at as a very physical act from our Savior and I think it is so much more then that and we need to remember it is the things of the SPIRIT that are most important even in the area of healing...

Mac an Rothaich said...

THIRD What about the short on faith followers of Jesus during the storm? Why was it those who directly followed Jesus in his ministry that didn't seem to have the faith of Christ's protection? Faith must transcend all parts of our life. Our life must not be built on the physical worlds version of security but on Christ alone... he is the only real guarantee of any kind of security. A radical sounding statement even for today, when we consider how practical we are all encouraged to be... Well it would have been seen as practical for them to worry in that storm and yet Christ expected them to find peace in the midst of it coming from their faith in him...

Mac an Rothaich said...

He himself took our infirmities and fore our sicknesses.

Mac an Rothaich said...

FOURTH I was drawn to how the people who saw the healing of the possessed asked him to leave... they where unnerved and upset... No faith there because of fear. It is so easy to become afraid in this life, especially when we think about how the spiritual really is REAL and generally unseen... Fear only prevents healing and victory and peace and ultimately chocks out faith in our lives...