Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Esther 7


Unknown said...

So the life of Haman is just such a stark contrast to the reading we had in our family devotions last night. I was struck by this short little passage we read seemed to sum up all the "rules for living" I could possibly imagine neccessary for peace and spiritual growth, it read;

"Your love should be real. Hate sinful things, stick with each other, love each other like brothers and sisters. Treat other people as if they're better than you. Always be in a hurry to do what is right, see that your spirit keeps wanting to serve the Lord. Be happy because of the hope you have, wait in peace when you have troubles. Keep praying, and share with God's people who need things. Welcome people into your house and pray for good things to happen to people. Pray for people even if they treat you badly. Be happy with people who are happy, be sad with people who are sad. Live at peace with each other." (From Romans 12:9-16)

Haman was just the opposite of all this, he was puffed up, self consumed, filled with bitterness and resentment and rage. It just makes the kind of person outlined in the above passage look so inviting and so clearly an image of christlikeness. May I, in my life, seek more and more to attain all of those attributes!

Chris said...

That is a beautiful passage, my friend. What a contrast!

I was struck simply by the response of the king. In his rage, he left his wine and went into the palace garden. No shouting, blaming, flying off the handle, tears... just the wisdom to find some space and sort it out before reacting.

Shailey said...

"My petition is that my life and the lifes of my people would be spared.For my people and I have been sold to those who would kill,slaghter,and annihilate us.If we had only been sold as slaves,I could be quiet."v5-4

Esther wasn't asking for much,she was only asking to stay alive and be sold as slaves instead of dying,but the king gave her more than she asked.So if we ask for less than we want we might get more,with a problem like that.

Joan said...

Enjoyed the New Century Version, Nicole. and thanks for sharing the "rules for living" from Romans.

Denise said...

PC, I have never know someone who portrays these rules for living discussed in Romans as much as you! You are a blessing to all those around you!

"Haman's hatred and evil plotting turned against him when the king discovered his true intentions. He was impaled on the pole he had set up for someone else. Proverbs 26:27 teaches that if you set a trap for others, you will get caught in it yourself. What happend to Haman shows the often vioelnt results of setting any kind of trap for others."

On a humerous note, this passage was discussed at Forest Grove Church on Sunday. To illustrate, the speaker showed a clip of Wiley Coyote and the Road Runner. All of the mean traps that Wiley Coyote set for the Road Runner always ended up trapping him instead!

Unknown said...

Chris, loved your reflection on the King's reaction.

Joan, glad you liked the NCV.

Denise, you my friend are such a sweet encourager. I love you.