Monday, September 20, 2010

Numbers 28


Unknown said...

I was struck by the daily offerings. This twice daily sacrficial lamb that pointed ahead to the once for all sacrifice of Jesus. It made me think how Israel got so lost in the ritual and missed the point completely. Do I do that? I think I do. It's a sobering realization.

I also love how God is so perfectly detailed and how the dates he established for the passover and it's subsequent celebration came full circle in the death and redemption of Jesus.

Unknown said...

From my devotional notes;

"God wants His people to be thankful to Him. We can honor Hm by giving regular offerings. This reminds us to keep Him the first priority in our lives.

"The mighty leisure hours with their occupations are all powerful and the mighty question of leisure hours ought to be the most important question of all since it affects our character most.

It is in the leisure hours, when free from constraint and observation, that a person shows what is really uppermost within him. In spiritual life this is intensely true, when the time of relaxation comes, and one is free to do exactly as one likes, many a person finds that the morning watch and its fellowship with God had not become so natural, so necessary for spiritual life and joy. Therefore observance is not included with vacation pleasure.

The question of leisure hours is crucial. In them one turns freely and naturally to what he loves most.

During vacation we are set free from the laws under which we normally live. But there are other laws. Laws of morality, laws of health, from which there is no relaxation. The call to daily fellowship with God belongs not to the former but the latter category. As much as a person needs during the vacation to daily eat and breathe, he needs to daily eat the bread and breathe the air of heaven.

The morning watch is not only a duty, but an unspeakable privilege and pleasure. Fellowship with God, abiding in Christ, loving the Word and meditating on it all the day are life and strength, health and gladness to the new nature. One should look upon them in this light, believe in the power of the new nature within , and act upon it. If one counts it a joy it will become a joy to them.

God has created and redeemed you that through you He may, as through the sun He illuminates the world, shine Hislight and life and love upon men. You need to be in communication with the fountain of all light, daily.

Joan said...

Vs. 1 and 2 - Life application says - Offerings had to be brought regularly and presented according to prescribed rituals under the priests' supervision. Following these rituals took time, and this gave the people the opportunity to prepare their hearts for worship. Unless our hearts are ready, worship is meaningless.
That last statement is so true especially on Sunday morning. I'm on the worship committee and our goal is "to provide all generations opportunity for passionate worship." BUT we can't control the condition of the heart when it enters the sanctuary doors.

Denise said...

"Offerings had to be brought regularly and presented according to prescribed rituals under the priests' supervision. Following these rituals took time, and this gave the people the opportunity to prepare their hearts for worship. Unless our hearts are ready, worship is meaningless. By contrast, God is delighted, and we get more from it, when our hearts are prepared to come before him in a spirit of thankfulness."

Denise said...

Okay, that's too funny! Joan, we must have the same Bible! I didn't read your comments until after I had written mine!