Monday, October 18, 2010

Numbers 32


Unknown said...

settling for second best on one's own terms. that's what I see when I look at the request of the Reubenites and Gadites. I see a lack of trust in God's plan, and a lack of courage to commit to God's best. A desire to be in control of one's own destiny and set up safeguards that make sense to us. The problem is that it completely leaves God out of the story. They don't receive His promises, and they don't follow His plan. They maintain control and forfeit His blessing and miracles.

Control is a big one for me. Oh boy. It's one I have been trying to recognize and give up for many years and while I can see that the Holy Spirit has made great progress in my life, I can also see the work He still has cut out for himself in this area. I'm trying. It's getting easier. But this is definitely one I wrestle with.

Chris said...

I agree. Choosing only from what you can see and know really limits the outcome. It's a good reminder for me today as I pray... that I would leave room and possibilities beyond what I can imagine for God to work. That as I pray, it would be "Lord, as You see fit, and in Your way and in Your time..."

There's a song that comes to mind "Jesus made a way where there was no way-- He's a way-ma-ker" Gonna go search for that song now and get that running through my head. :)