Thursday, April 14, 2011

Song of Solomon 1


Elisa said...

"King Solomon, you fill us with joy. You make us happy. We praise your love more than we praise wine. vs-4b

Like a man loves a woman and a woman loves him back we should love Jesus. Jesus loves us more than he loves anything else, so that's why we should love him back. We should tell Him that it is HE that fills us with joy and nobody else.

Shailey said...

The same thing as Elisa said,we should love Jesus just as lovers love each other.

Unknown said...

ahh... here we go again. This book is always SUCH a challenge to me. It is a treatise on romance, and I have so much to learn from it. First and foremost how to love my spouse, and secondly, to realize the depths of love illustrated here that in some mysterious way teaches me how much I am loved (lovable) and am created to love the lover of my soul. I just went back and read over my first two posts in the Peasant Princess Project over at Prairie Prologue from when I studied this book last year. I needed the refresher.

Unknown said...

what a blessing to wake up to a peaceful house, do my quiet time, come here and see that my girls had been here before me!

Berry Girl said...

Michael Card has a great song taken from sections of this book. It always makes my heart happy to listen to it, as does reading these passages.
Lots to learn from this - it's such a beautiful glimpse into what a marriage should be like.