Friday, October 10, 2008

Isaiah 48

1 comment:

Unknown said...

>>"I knew you were stubborn; your neck was like an iron muscle, and your head was like bronze." (4)<<

Ouch. I got this contemporary picture of God saying, "Blockheads!"

>>"But you have not heard me, you have not unerstood. Even long ago you did not listen to me. I knew you would surely turn against me; you have fought against me since you were born. But for my own sake I will be patient. People will praise me for not becoming angry and destroying you." (8-9)<<

WOW. Amazing! The reason WHY He is patient with sin? For HIS glory. So that He will be recognized as patient and forgiving and slow to anger and so that He will be worshipped.

>>I have made you pure, but not by fire, as silver is made pure. I have purified you by giving you troubles. (10). <<

troubles making us pure. this is such an important theme of the spiritual life.