Monday, December 29, 2008

Exodus 10


Berry Girl said...

I love how God gets His point across. Not just to Pharaoh, but also to the Israelites. He could have had them set free at the start, but He needed to make sure that they knew that HE was the one who had delivered them, that it was only by HIS power that they were let go from Egypt. He was demonstrating exactly HOW different they were from the Egyptians, how He favored them.

Unknown said...

You're home!!!! I've missed you so! Have something here for you and for B-boy. We've got a family gathering today but I will try to connect with you tomorrow.

Unknown said...

I love how Pharaoh ordered Moses to not come back again, and Moses said "Have it your way" and then it was Pharaoh who summoned him back in the next chapter and ORDERED him to leave. No more requests on Moses part, or God's behalf, Pharaoh calling the meeting, Pharaoh calling the shots (or so he thinks) and ordering them outta there. Ironic.