Monday, February 9, 2009

Exodus 16


Berry Girl said...

boy, where to begin...

the gathering of the manna was a test from the Lord to see if the people would obey - and they didn't. They kept back what they should not have. When they were supposed to rest, they went out looking anyway, even though they had enough.

we have not really changed, have we, in all these years. God gives, and we hoard because we are afraid that God's gift will not be *enough*. We have enough, but we don't have the faith to really BELIEVE that it's enough, so we go out looking for more, "just in case".

Kinda like my job. I have enough. God has given me exactly what I need - 8 hours/week in the office, the rest from home, no minimum and no maximum. And yet I fret...that I won't get advanced in this position, that it's not *enough* for me, that it might soon be gone. When I SHOULD be trusting. That it's enough for me for right now. That even if it's gone, there will be something else. That if God could provide this, then He can certainly provide something else if there's need. because He always has.

Berry Girl said...

excuse me while I go beat myself over the head with a 2x4.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, what a perfect word. Thank you for sharing that dear friend, I am bawling over here. (yeah I know, I'm all bawly lately, but this was truly tearworthy nonetheless).

Unknown said...

Then the whole community grumbled... "it would have been better if"...

*sigh*. I can be such a grumbler, always thinking "things would be better if". I need to learn to chill and "trust" that I am right where God wants me to be, and to "accept" that we are all at different stages on our journey and that while ideals are nice and goals and vision are important, so is patience.

"I want to see if the people will do as I tell them..." Interesting how the way God does things is NOT always the way that makes the most sense, or makes the trail easy... and yes, He does even test us.

"It became full of worms and began to stink". What a wonderfully awful metaphor for the rotting results that are birthed out of our disobedience.

I love how God preserved the manna to last when the people obeyed Him... this is just such a beautiful chapter about His patient instruction and character, and how He longs to provide for us and have us trust Him. Truly beautiful and uplifting.