Friday, February 6, 2009

Isaiah 65


Berry Girl said...

I love the last part of this chapter - the new creation. "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind...For behold, I create Jerusalem as a rejoicing, And her people a joy"
(sometimes, I just love the way the NKJ version reads - it's just poetic)

but my favorite part has to be the end - "It shall come to pass That BEFORE THEY CALL, I will answer; And WHILE THEY ARE STILL SPEAKING, I will hear." (v24) That just makes me want to weep.
Every once in a while, I taste that promise, when God grants something to me before I've even had time to pray about it, or before it has even OCCURRED to me to pray about humbles me every time.

Unknown said...

(I journalled this this morning but only had a chance now to share it here, the same verse you shared just floored me!)

This picture of God holding out His arms to a stubborn and rebellious people just breaks me every time. I think we think that we are God’s back scratchers sometimes, like we meet a need of His to be worshiped or lauded or something, when we really are so blind to the fact that we are calloused and rebellious and degenerate and require SO much patience and grace from Him as we stumble through life.

Verse 4 jumped out at me. They sit among the graves and spend their nights waiting to get messages from the dead. I know it’s a weird verse, and I would never go and sit in a graveyard and link hands with a medium, but really, in a way, I have been guilty of seeking to “connect” to the spiritual realm through dead people. When I misguidedly start seeking answers and advice and counsel and experience first and foremost from books and other people’s experiences, and hungry to learn from THEIR personal experience rather than to chase my OWN personal experience by coming to the Lord and looking carefully at His word and seeking to apply it in my life… well, I have done that so many times. Not that the examination of other people’s experiences is wrong, it is important and beneficial too, but not when it robs God of his place or suffocates our own PERSONAL pursuit of Him and His plan for us, well then we are just trying to go through someone else’s motions and like we are trying to “get a message from the dead”… or even the living for that matter. I am still guilty of this so often, like Max Lucado holds the key to me experiencing God. No. God holds the key, and He is standing there holding out to me according to these verses, while I chase down Max Lucado and He stands there saying….

“Here I am. Here I am,” all day long standing ready to accept people who turned against me.” v1-2

I love Isaiah because right after really hard hitting passages that shake and challenge, within the same chapter it will spill into a message of hope, grace, love and promise. Verses 17-25 are truly soul thrilling verses.

“I will provide for their needs before they ask, and I will help them while they are still asking for help.” v24

And then just the thought of what kind of paradise and earth it will be where lions eat hay and snakes don’t hurt anyone. It’s unfathomable and it’s what makes my heart skip a beat when I look upon the skies and wonder if today might be the day that it all begins. That this life that we know fades into the life that will be. He is coming. What could be more thrilling than living with that expectation of our beloved showing up at the door from his long sojourn in a “far away” land. Nothing. I love that this is the metaphor He used to describe our relationship with Him. The bridegroom who has gone to prepare a home for His bride. I cry when I think what a silly and senseless betrothed I am so much of the time. And yet He is tender and patient and unconditionally adoring, because we are already one with Him, and He can’t be untrue to Himself. What a love is this.