Friday, February 13, 2009

Isaiah 66

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh... kind of sad to flip the page and see we have come to the end of Isaiah, but always exciting to start a new book as well. I am not that familiar with Jeremiah, so I look forward to it.

You know when I hear talk of a new world order it freaks the bejeebies out of me. It's just something that carries this ominous and eerie undertone to it. A one world economic system that will ensure the poor nations are cared for sounds wonderful if you look at it that way... but the control and prophetic fulfillment that it harbours is just... freaky.

I saw some videos on youtube a few weeks back that just made my blood run cold, about political speeches by Obama and other global leaders who are not at all subtly encouraging the push to a one world order. But then you read passages like this and see that there will one day be a one world order that will not make one's blood run cold. That will bring delight and peace and provision to all people, and we will be like grandchildren bounced on our granddad's knee (that's precisely how my translation puts it "like babies you will be nursed and held in my arms and bounced on my knees...."v 12) and Israel, poor war torn, battered Israel, will be the capital city of all nations.

Fascinating stuff at the end of the chapter. I think verse 19 "I will put a mark on some of the people and aill send some of these saved people to the nations.... and all the faraway lands. These people have never heard about what I have done nor seen my glory. So the saved people will tell the nations about my glory. And they will bring all your fellow Israelites from all nations to my holy mountain in Jerusalem." This passage excites me.

I think it is referring to the 144,000 sealed Israelites from Rev 7 and 14 and whenever I see correlation between the OT prophets and Revelation I get goosebumps.

Love how Isaiah ends, love love love it. Okay, not the last verse, but the part just before that.