Saturday, February 28, 2009

Luke 24


Unknown said...

"Why are you looking for a living person in this place for the dead? He is not here, He is risen from the dead." v5

This pretty much sums up the way I feel when someone dies. Of course there is the horror and shock of separation, but at the same time, I feel more a sense of being "separated" than bereaved. Like, they've gone overseas or to some far away place where I won't be able to see them, but I know they are there and I'm happy for them that they are in such a COOL place while being slightly bummed about my being stuck here. I've seen people get so hung up on the "dead" part that it burdens them beyond measure, maybe it's a coping mechanism of mine but I really do see much more the "destination" aspect of death above and beyond the departure one.

The experience of the two on the road to Emmaus always makes me think how much our paradigms shape our "vision". They just weren't EXPECTING Jesus to die, obviously weren't EXPECTING him to show up on the road now... had entertained certain notions of how everything would turn out, and now that all that had been blown out of the water they didn't know black from white anymore. Makes me want to be really careful to not become SO sure of the way I think things are supposed to be, that I'm not open and aware of who God is and what He is doing around me which may be VERY different from what I expect.

Then Jesus opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. v45

This is so tender and beautiful. I want Him to sit down and do the same for me, and He does, when my heart shows up, He is always delighted to oblige.

Berry Girl said...

I love this:
v32 "Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?"

I can almost relate - I love it when someone "opens up the scriptures" to me, shows me something that I didn't know or hadn't understood or hadn't noticed before. I love that flash of understanding - that "OH!"/burning heart moment. I can only imagine how much more powerful that burning heart feeling would have been for them, being taught by Christ Himself.