Saturday, July 18, 2009

John 20

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"He saw and believed." v8 I wonder what this means exactly? He believed Christ had risen? He believed the body had been stolen? I don't know but if it were me I would hope that I would believe the miraculous and *get* it, even if I didn't quite get it all if you kwim. The next part shows us they didn't yet grasp all the prophecies that had been made or how they would pan out but I would hope there would be enough of a seed of faith planted there that he wouldn't immediately be leaning to a conspiracy theory where the body had been stolen and nothing miraculous had happened here.

I'm hoping that is what Peter believed. That in some small way he started to get it, and believe that something great was afoot here. I'm thinking he did, cause Peter was that type. Thomas on the other hand...