Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2 Samuel 14


Unknown said...

"But God doesn't take away life. Instead, He plans ways that those who have been sent away will not have to stay away from Him!" v14

Wow. The power and grace in love and mercy in these words just about sent me reeling this morning.

"Absalom came and bowed facedown on the ground before the king, and the king kissed him." v33

As I read this my lip almost curled with disdain over this petulant, spoiled, self centred character of a son. but at the very last verse, at the picture of him bowing before the king and being kissed, I realized he is a picture of me. And in this story David is a prototype of our merciful King, who calls us home, forgives and bestows His kiss of grace on wayward, petulant, spoiled brat children like me who miss the boat in so many areas that as yesterday's passage show, we sometimes aren't even aware of.

Berry Girl said...

well, you're more gracious than I am. He may have prostrated himself, but I feel fairly certain that his heart was not in it.


I loved v14 as well. God plans ways so that we can return to Him. How beautiful. And wonderful.

Unknown said...

I also don't believe his heart was in it. For me it all overwhelmingly pointed to grace on the part of the King. Really bowled me over.