Saturday, August 29, 2009

Acts 5

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There's a lot of different themes that could be picked up from this chapter. In order to internalize it and make it my own the one that most resonates with me is the theme of integrity and authenticity. We live in a society that seduces us to become what we are not, to get more possessions, be more beautiful, make more money, be more successful (by worldly standards) when what God really desires from His people is for us to "get real."

I have suffered so much in my life by buying the lie that "beauty looks like this" and "success looks like this" and "happiness comes from this". Now I crave authenticity and integrity. Being true to who God made me to be, being successful in the little trials that come my way, being happy in Him whatever the circumstances. I crave relationships without pretenses and authentic, bold and passionate living, sold out for eternity so that these possessions, this daily grind of materialism and apathy dies to self each and every day.

It's not an easy path to travel, my feet are so quick to lose their placement and wander off distracted. But this is what I crave and pray for.