Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hebrews 8


Unknown said...

Fascinating. I'm pretty much your standard dispensationalist... that is the lens work I pretty much see the bible through, and I think this chapter supports that ideology (sp?). Dispensationalism is, in essence, the belief that God has dealth differently with humanity at different points in history. That He had different covenants and expectations, etc, at different points in history. For instance, in the Edenic covenant, men were not allowed to eat meat, they were given all plants for food. But in the Noahic covenant they were given the right to eat meat. That's just your simplest example. But in the case of this chapter, we are talking BIG changes. HUGE changes. From fulfilling the law, to being redeemed from the law.

I think one of the major factors in messing up biblical interpretation is by not *getting* dispensationalism and wanting to apply certain things across the board, and also not being able to view future prophecy because you mess up who it is referring to. I do believe that the reason the Jews can't comprehend that Jesus was the Messiah is because they aren't open to dispensationalism. I also believe that most of the difficulty with interpretation of end times prophecy is because people don't view it as another dispensation, dealing in primarily with the remnant of Israel that comes to salvation during that time and think that it is speaking to the church.

This kind of stuff totally fascinates and excites me.

Berry Girl said...

I thought this chapter was beautiful - the way it talked about the new covenant.

"And they shall not teach everyone his fellow citizen, and everyone his brother, saying 'Know the Lord', for all will know Me, from the least to the greatest of them" (v.11)

I love how it talks about the old covenant being about externals, but the new covenant is internal "I will put My laws into their minds, and I will write them on their hearts" (v.10)
Just beautiful.