Tuesday, March 16, 2010

1 Kings 19


Unknown said...

..."and how Elijah had killed all the prophets with a sword." v1

Somehow I think I completely missed that last week. "The people captured all the propthets. Then Elijah led them down to the Kishon Valley, where he killed them." v40 of chap 18.

Yikes. Sometimes my eyes are quick to see the things that fit my paradigm and skip over the ones that don't. It was so great to see Elijah call down fire from heaven on water soaked altars and all, but here we have horrible, horrible bloodshed of mankind. And indeed, that is the price for sin. But we don't like that. We have problems with that. Even last night as I watched a show with my husband and "bad guys" were being offed my brain and my heart were both rebelling and repulsed and I was asking myself if seeing bloodshed like that isn't a conditioning of sorts, a travesty really, dishonoring the value of human life.

But now this morning I think about this, and oh my goodness, it really doesn't fit into my paradigm well at all. I guess the thought it has awakened in me, or the question maybe, is if I place too much value on human life without recognizing that ALL of that value hinges on God's Spirit and Christ's redemption. without those two things of what value is our life more than that of any animal? These are stunning thoughts, and they have only just to come to me, so I will need to process. I fear there may be a strong grain of humanism at play here (within me) that needs to be brought into question.

"He sat down under a bush and asked to die. 'I have had enough, Lord." He prayed. "Let me die. I am no better than my ancestors." Then he lay down under the tree and slept." v4-5

The onset of depression. I can "feel" it coming.

"I have always served you as well as I could. But the people of Israel have.... I am the only prophet left..." v10

the voice of depression. Woe is me. What is WRONG with the world and with EVERYONE??? I know these thoughts, I know this horrible, sinking, oppressive false reality coming to play in your head, the arrows of the enemy knowing just where to strike to get a good man down. I love what comes...

That God reveals Himself to Elijah in the dumps of despair. That He gently beckons Him to look up... and to listen. And that He strengthens him and opens his eyes to see what he couldn't know and see for himself. That in their individual places of life and work in that small nation, God had seven thousand faithful ones who refused to bow to the idols of that age, and whose mouths had not kissed idolatry, but were true to Him.

SUCH a heartening and beautiful passage. Sometimes we can feel so alone in our journey of holiness, in our passion for things not of this world, when the world seems to be plodding along in apathy and distraction. But the Lord knows who are His. And we are never alone.

A truly gritty, down to earth, out of this world, beautiful chapter.

Mac an Rothaich said...

It was amazing that God feed Elijah in the previous chapter when he was doing the 'man of God thing' but beautiful that he feed him again, this time with an angels aid when he was at such a place of weakness. We often judge others when they are down in spirit as not living right but how the Lord loves those down cast and broken in spirit, how he tenderly wants to strengthen them.

A chapter I must read again the next time I am letting the junk play in my head that gets me depressed.

We are never alone, God has a select group who WILL CONTINUE TO SERVE HIM! Thank you Jesus!

Jude said...

Long day so will just steer you to the quote in v11-12. I am always delighted, encouraged, left with a sense of peace when I read that God was in the gentle whisper. I am not even sure that I fully understand why he wasn't in the fire or wind or earthquake b/c he could have been, right? I just know that it is so much more comforting to find him in a whisper.

Less comforting about the slaughter of the prophets. I skimmed over that too in Ch18. In my translation it just says that he ordered them slaughtered but I suppose it is all the same thing anyway. Shiver.